Festival of Code in August from Young Rewired State


Young Rewired State • Festival of Code

Young Rewired State, the network for under-18 software developers and designers is running a week-long code workshop and development festival.

The Festival of Code runs from 5th to 11th August. From Monday 5th to Thursday 8th coders will gather in local centres before travelling up to Birmingham for a weekend of finalising and presenting their code projects. A list of local centres is available here. There are two in my area – one in Cambridge and one at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley, Milton Keynes. Others are dispersed fairly evenly around the country.

More information on the Festival and how to attend is available here.

Featured product – Pi Supply Switch for the #RaspberryPi

Pi Supply Switch - Pi Supply

Just came across this so thought I’d share (I’m not affiliated with them in any way). This is a circuit board with USB input and output and two buttons that provides an easy way to turn your Pi on and off. Not terribly sure how it does this, but I assume it’s got some kind of software that runs on the Pi to detect a GPIO input from one of the switches. For £15 for the self-solder kit, it might be a little on the pricey side, but it’s a neat little board.

See it on their online shop here

#RaspberryPi enabled robot claw game

Web based Raspberry Pi enabled claw game reaches out- The Inquirer

Stevenage-based Ryan Walmsley (he of rastrack.co.uk fame!) is developing a Raspberry Pi-based version of the classic arcade claw game. The game uses physical controls to manipulate a claw in a cabinet to grab prizes in the hopper below. An Arduino is also involved to deal with realtime events. Ryan has been interviewed by The Inquirer about it. Read the interview here