Bird feeder cam now online

I’ve set-up my Pi and router so that you can see a live video of a bird feeder in our front garden! I’ve only today filled everything up so there should be a decent amount of avian traffic 🙂

The feed does use the VLC media player browser plugin, so you will need a browser that supports that.

Watch the feed

Fast I/O output to a TFT screen on a #RaspberryPi

» Fast I/O on a Raspberry Pi JeeLabs

Jean-Claude Wippler has developed a way to generate images on an LCD TFT touch screen breakout. Part of this has been to use Gordon Henderson’s WiringPi library. He has looked to see how quickly the GPIO pins can be switched with the library. He’s worked out that the Pi can double-toggle (i.e. send a pulse) over 5 million times per second. For more details, read his blog

PiBorg release motion and direction sensor for #RaspberryPi

XLoBorg - Motion and direction sensor for your Raspberry Pi | PiBorg

PiBorg, UK-based manufacturer of GPIO expansion boards, have today released the XLoBorg. This I2C board plugs into the GPIO pins and enables you to measure movement such as bumps and shocks and determine direction. It features a 3-Axis Accelerometer and 3-Axis Magnetometer

It costs £8.76 plus postage (which is free in the UK).

More information and shop on the PiBorg site