Make Use Of has a lovely round-up article on the 7 Reasons To Get A Raspberry Pi.
Tweeting Letterbox
James Medd has done a fantastic practical experiment by setting up a Pi to monitor movement from his letterbox and Tweeting a photo of his front door mat. So, whenever he gets post, he gets a Tweet!
Nice one, James! PostPi!
RasPy Juice: Rasperry Pi serial & servo control
Raspy Juice expansion board allows not only to juice up your RasPi through batteries or solar cells, but also gives you the features of a micro-controller for analog inputs and serial connections.
Of course, as per usual with small-batch boards for the Pi, finding out how to buy it is a royal pain in the backside. Eventually found this link to buy it for $42 (Singapore dollars?!? which is about £22 plus about £6 for shipping).
More details here: RasPy Juice: Rasperry Pi serial & servo control
Pi in Print – July 2012 added
As the title of the post says, I’ve now added July 2012, featuring MagPi, Linux Format & Linux User and Developer to the Pi in Print page.
Raspberry Pi in Print – New project
I am going to try and catalogue all the Raspberry Pi-related articles and tutorials in print magazines. If you notice I’ve missed something, please add a comment with details (preferably in a similar format to the one I’m using below) and a link, if possible, to the magazine cover.
The project can be viewed here or by clicking on the Pi in Print block on any page.
OLinuXino looks to take on the Raspberry Pi
This is an article about the A13-OLinuXino, a new Linux board (that runs Android) and is being compared to the RPi. It’s a Bulgarian product (so doesn’t have quite the same kudos as the Made-in-Wales Pi) that has a comparable spec (actually slightly more powerful)
Opinions and thoughts are encouraged about this especially – post a comment!