nanpy – Use your Arduino with Python and the #RaspberryPi

The nanpy library allows Python programmers to communicate with an Arduino connected via a serial line connected to a host computer (in our case, a Raspberry Pi).

It is similar to pyFirmata. The nanpy library is under development and has a long way to go to get up to the level of that other library, but it looks promising and simple to use.

One big thing that is missing at the moment, however, is a guide on what the Arduino needs to be running in order for it to work! I will contact the authors and find out!

Edit: It seems that there is a firmware folder in the nanpy package that you upload to the Arduino. I find it slightly surprising (and a bit confusing) that this isn’t spelt out in the ‘How to use documentation’ but, hey, it is under development!

The nanpy 0.7 package is available here.

Control Google Earth Flight simulator with #Arduino – maybe with #RaspberryPi?

Parts & Kits for Arduino Online, Buy Microcontroller Boards, Electronic Components for Arduino - Control Google Earth Flight simulator with Arduino - Freetronics

Two Arduino posts in one morning, what is the world coming to?

Here’s an Instructable where an Arduino and accelerometer sensor is used to control the Google Earth Flight Simulator on a Windows machine.

I wonder if the same can be done on a Raspberry Pi? At the moment, however, there is no ARM version of Google Earth, so I suppose that knocks that on the head. However, should Google release it for the ARM, I’ll be queueing up on release day!

Debrick your router using #Arduino – possibly with #RaspberryPi ?

Here’s a blog post that someone wrote after bricking (really, really messing up) their TP-Link WR740N router. They used an Arduino to communicate over serial pins to the router and then pushed a new firmware to it, thus saving the router.

I can’t imagine that doing this with a Raspberry Pi using the same principal would be that much of a leap. In fact, it’s likely to be a lot easier as you’ll be based inside Linux on the Pi and communicating directly with the router rather than introducing a middle-man in the form of an Arduino.

Debrick your router using arduino. « Cerebellum Blog.

MySQL for Beginners on the #RaspberryPi

If you know nothing about databases, except that you know you want to use them, this video tutorial is for you.

Richard Wenner has posted an excellent, very comprehensive tutorial on MySQL for the Raspberry Pi on YouTube.

This 40-minute video covers installation of MySQL and using it on the command line but also, and most importantly, gives a detailed overview of relational database theory.

MySQL for Beginners on the Raspberry Pi – YouTube.

Connecting Electronics – a presentation and associated code files

Trystan Jones at did a presentation on connecting electronics to the GPIO and has released both the presentation and associated code files to the public domain over at GitHub.

crenn/RPi-Connecting_Electronics · GitHub.

The presentation is a very good, succinct, round-up of the GPIO functions and he covers a basic Hello World example as well as examples using a port expander and a microcontroller. Much of the content is links to other sites, but as these other sites are very good (Adafruit, for example), it is no worse for that.

Perhaps some school-based RPi user can adapt it for an intermediate class?