Just a simple Hello World example to get you going if you’re new to the Raspberry Pi. This has some nice, simple wiring diagrams and succinct code.
Using your #RaspberryPi as a web-enabled irrigation bypass @Raspberry_Pi
Project to create an irrigation control from a Pi that bypasses the irrigation depending on the weather.
Project 2: Using your Raspberry Pi as a web-enabled irrigation bypass.
Coffee Table #RaspberryPi
A cute little Instructable on creating an arcade cabinet table using a Pi, a couple of old-fashioned coin-up buttons and a coin-up joystick.
#RaspberryPi – Ultrasonic sensor
Raspberry Pi – Ultrasonic sensor – YouTube.
Great tutorial on how to get the SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor up-and-running on the Pi. This is what I’m using on the PiPodCorder and the tutorial uses some of the same code and identical wiring.
Short intro to the #RaspberryPi – Model A
Raspberry Pi – Model A – YouTube.
Just a quick post for a quick video showing a newly-arrived Model A.
#RaspberryPi & XBox ChatPad / @Raspberry_Pi
This fantastic project is to create an expansion board, on top of which sits an XBox ChatPad. The page includes details on how to do it including a detailed parts list. There’s a software driver to go along with it.
Read the full article/tutorial here