Great Sites for the #RaspberryPi – #6 – Raspberry Pi Spy

I find myself referring to Matt Hawkins’ blog almost every day now for some tidbit of information so I’ve decided that qualifies it as one of my Great Sites.

Matt does an excellent job at creating his own content. This varies from the relatively mundane-but-useful (for example a guide to the LEDs on the Pi) to the techy (e.g. a tutorial on sensing distance with an ultrasonic module) to the essential (e.g. a guide to essential tools for the electronics enthusiast) to the downright silly (e.g. getting your Pi display to look like the Matrix).

The posts are always informative and well-written and cater for both beginners and advanced users of the Pi. Visit the blog now or subscribe to the RSS feed.

For other great sites, see the list on every page of this blog or read about why the sites were chosen.


NextMarket Podcast interviews Eben Upton about the #RaspberryPi

This is an audio interview with Eben Upton in which he discusses the development of the Raspberry Pi, and in particular the part of Broadcom and his time there in the development of the board. Probably nothing new in it, but I thought it was worth sharing.

I have no idea what Eben is holding in the picture to the left, I just liked it as a picture. It’s certainly not a Pi but does have some of the same components. Those switches are interesting though!

Listen to the interview