Connecting LM75 temperature sensor to the #RaspberryPi, reading it in Java

Raspberry Pi - tips and tricks

Jan Krueger has written an in-depth tutorial in connecting up a bare LM75 temperature sensor to the Raspberry Pi. Plenty of photographs to show the connections and a table to show the pin connections. He has then used the Pi4J library to talk to it. I don’t think I’ve read anything by Jan before and he’s certainly one to look out for in future. Read the tutorial

Maplin stocks GPIO Board with Terminal Block For #RaspberryPi

GPIO Board with Terminal Block For Raspberry Pi : Raspberry Pi : Maplin Electronics

Maplin is now stocking (online only, I think) a nifty little GPIO breakout board with push terminals. They say that it’s similar to the Pi Cobbler (which looks-wise it isn’t but functionality wise, I suppose it is… a bit). The good news is that it’s only £5.99 which is cheaper than I’ve seen elsewhere for the same (or similar) products. Visit the Maplin website here