Concerto – open source digital signage project runs on the #RaspberryPi

Home - Concerto Digital Signage ProjectA digital signage application has been shown to work on the Raspberry Pi. Paul Stone has released a couple of videos that show it in action.

The  Concerto Digital Signage Project is online here. The source links are at the bottom of the page and it’s not necessarily easy to find a simple ‘how to’, but I daresay someone will write one soon.

Thanks to Grant for spotting this!

Tiberius – a moon rover using dual Raspberry Pis / @Raspberry_Pi

A group of 4th Year MEng students from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh have created a remote-controlled rugged 4-wheel drive “moon buggy” using two Raspberry Pis at it’s core. The students, Calum Morrison, Neil Comerford and Joshua Walhane have recorded this video (see below) which shows the rover, named “Tiberius”, driving around their campus, both inside and out. It shows the capabilities of the rover including traversing some railways ties and climbing a steep slope as well as the operation of a robot arm. Onboard sensors and a webcam feed back telemetry to an Android-device app which is also used as the remote control. Really worth a look this one!

SB Components case for the #RaspberryPi Model A now available

New Case for Raspberry Pi Model A Blue

SB Components is now selling their Raspberry Pi Model A case from their website. In their words:

The case is a two-piece injection-moulded ABS enclosure that snaps together around the Raspberry Pi. It provides tough, colourful protection for the Pi.

Regular readers will know that I hold their cases in the highest regard having given their Model B case a 9/10 in my review.

I don’t have a Model A myself, so if anyone would like to contribute a guest review, please contact me.

The new case is available to buy from the SB Components Online Shop for £4.85, apparently including delivery.

Disclaimer: I have no connection to SBC apart from liking their products!