Jens Deters has written the second part of a tutorial in using JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi to control the GPIO. Read on here
Arduino-controlled #RaspberryPi speech synthesizer
Phillipines-based Kuya Marc has teamed up an Arduino with a Raspberry Pi to make an Arduino-controlled speak synthesiser.
Balancing Robot using a #RaspberryPi doesn’t fall over
Mark Williams has been working on a two-wheeled balancing robot using a Raspberry Pi to do some impressive calculations. It uses an accelerometer to work out angles and gyros to compensate for overbalance.
Here’s a video of the robot in action:
Read more about the robot and the mathematics behind it on Mark’s blog.
Vintage Radio to internet jukebox with a #RaspberryPi / @Raspberry_Pi
Dominic Buchstaller has been busy. He’s taken an old German vintage wireless radio from the 1950s, stripped it out, refurbished it and installed a Raspberry Pi inside it.
You can see the whole project including enough instructions to do it yourself on his blog.
How Raspbian was built for the #RaspberryPi
I came across this nice little article about the creation of Raspbian, the OS of choice for the Raspberry Pi. Very interesting read, particularly the part about how Raspbian was compiled for the Pi without having any Pis to use. Read more here
#RaspberryPi Home Alarm System by pistuffing
Andy Baker from has shot a video that demonstrates his prototype for a home alarm system driven by a Raspberry Pi. At the moment, it’s a proof-of-concept involving a Pi, a passive infrared detector and a buzzer.
via RaspberryPi Home Alarm System by on Vimeo.