Two students from the University of Washington, Maks Surguy and Yi Fan Yin, decided to create an interactive doll’s house that could be controlled by a Playstation Move controller. To do this, they first of all designed the doll’s house, printed it out on cardboard to prototype and then laser-cut the design in plywood to give the house some stability and strength.
The Playstation Move interprets gestures and feeds them to a Raspberry Pi which then decides which gesture was used and then turns features of the doll’s house on or off accordingly. A total of seven gestures were programmed in to control;
…various functional items in the dollhouse (such as) TV, lights, fan, and shutters.
There have been lots of tutorials about how to create a Raspberry Pi wireless access point in the past, but they have become slightly out of date over time. This new one from the May 2018 issue of Maximum PC is much better than some I’ve read and goes through all the steps you’ll need to go through including installing software, configuring DNS and DHCP, configuring HostAPD, thinking about traffic shaping and making a bridge between connections. To find out how to do it, head over to PC Gamer.
Grant Gibson was approached by Belgian beer brand Heverlee to create a fun in-bar experience. Grant remembered Sjoelen – a shuffleboard game popular across Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and thought up a free-standing apparatus to play the game and win prizes. The idea is that players slide wooden pucks down the board and try to get them through the holes beneath the back board. Apparently, it’s more challenging than it sounds!
For detection of the puck, Gibson used IR proximity sensors wired to a Raspberry Pi 3. He added a webcam and screen so that bystanders could see the reactions of the players during the game and then programmed the Pi in Python to bring it all together.
The prizes are cans of the Belgian beer in question and these are dispensed by the Pi, via 12V relays using a self-manufactured mechanism. The story of how he got to this mechanism, and the… dampness involved when it all went wrong… are covered over on his blog.
Some more making was involved in bringing the game up to a standard suitable for transporting and abuse from slightly drunk players!
Janos Kiss, Otília Pasaréti and Romain Fontaine set up a pinball manufacturing company, called Team Pinball, in Cardiff a little over a year ago and have been quietly, and secretly, beavering away on their new machines. The game, based on a Mafia theme, features a 10.1″ LCD built into the back board:
Although most of the mechanical parts in the machine are standard and easily available (for easy replacement in case of breakdowns), the main ‘brain’ inside the machine is a Raspberry Pi 3!
Janos explains the electronics pictured above:
The platform is composed of a Raspberry Pi 3 and a single electronic board (R-board) with through-hole components. The Raspberry Pi 3 runs the game software and interfaces with the machine through the R-board. All the switches are direct switches, they are connected to the R-board and scanned a thousand times every second. The CPU will send responses to the solenoids in less than 3 milliseconds giving sharp feedback and a no-lag experience for the player. The game comes with full RGB LEDs which are also controlled by the CPU. A 12V PSU and a 48V transformer are used for the electronics and the solenoids respectively.
The software on the Pi is a custom Linux operating system called JOS, written in C++.
This next photo is just to show off the gorgeous underside of the playing area:
Machines are made to order by the Cardiff team and the suggested retail price of the units is £6,750, which isn’t bad considering the bespoke nature of the machines!
Kris Hauser is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and of mechanical engineering and materials science at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering. He has developed an algorithm that effectively stops a bipedal robot from falling over by putting out a hand to stop the fall, and it runs on a Raspberry Pi! You can see a promo video from Duke’s below and read more here.
Issue 9 of Hackspace magazine is out! There’s some great articles in there, from Rachel Wong and her wearable tech to Lorraine Underwood and her fantastic LED cube. Of particular interest to the Raspberry Pi community is a terrific 8-page interview with Tim Richardson who is the Maker-in-Chief at Pi Wars Towers. You can download the issue or buy it from the Hackspace website. It is also available from good retailers.