1/12 scale Transform Robot

This isn’t strictly Raspberry Pi-related, though perhaps someone should start building one…

This is a contender for the coolest thing ever – the timeline of development for a real transforming robot-car.

Fast forward to 3:45 for the drop-dead amazing latest version robotics.

BRAVEROBOTICS 1/12 scale Transform Robot Version1~7.2 History – YouTube.

Some more footage here (actually, better footage!)


Leeds Hack hosts the first Raspberry Pi-based hack day

The first free Hackday based on the Raspberry Pi has taken place in Leeds, hosted by CPC electronics.

Taking Place in the heart of Leeds on December 1st and running through the night for 24 hours was the first free Raspberry Pi Hackday. A Hackday/Hackathon is an event, where team of coders, hobbiests, engineers and enthusiasts get together and are given 24 hours to create something cool in software, hardware, design or implementation. This particular Hackday was special, as it was the first around projects involving the Raspberry Pi.

More information at Tech Fruits: CPCPiHack @ Leeds Hack.