Both Steve Hickson and Tim Schwartz have worked on SD card images to automatically play videos on a loop using omxplayer. Take a look at Steve’s blog post and also Tim’s blog post.
Review of The Pi Supply for #RaspberryPi
Matt from RaspberryPiIVBeginners has reviewed the ‘intelligent’ power supply for the Pi called “The Pi Supply” (imaginative name, I know). Interesting piece of kit that gives you push-buttons to turn the Pi on and off in a sensible manner.
#RaspberryPi MotorPiTX build and testing from RasPi.TV
Photo from RasPi.TV
Alex was busy on Saturday and soldered up his MotorPiTX board. This board is a base for building robots and includes two motor controllers and 2 servo controllers along with various inputs and outputs.
I’ve got one as well and built it but Alex has beaten me to the punch on blogging If I didn’t have to work today or didn’t have rehearsal tonight, I’d be getting straight onto using this board as it’s well designed and put-together.
Raspberry Jamboree 2014 tickets go on sale for #RaspberryPi fans
Early-bird registration is now open for the 2014 Raspberry Jamboree, being held in Manchester from 27th February to 1st March.
Read about the event and register here. It’s half price @ £10 until 30th November.
Pi-Lite ‘Hello World’ example for #RaspberryPi
Matt over at Raspberry Pi Spy has written some Python code to generate a Hello World example on Ciseco’s Pi-Lite.
WordPress for #RaspberryPi using Nginx and MySQL
I’m just setting up a new blog for the Cambridge Raspberry Jam.
I’ve managed to install WordPress on a rev 1 256mb Raspberry Pi using Nginx as the web server and MySQL as the back end.
This was accomplished by following the tutorial on CNXSoft: WordPress for Raspberry Pi using Nginx and MySQL.
I found that in order to get desired page-load times I had to install the alternative PHP cache php-apc: sudo apt-get install php-apc