Great news for people in Peterborough and the surrounding area. There are two events in November that are all about the Raspberry Pi.
Coding Evening

The first one is a Coding Evening – it’s a (very) informal meet-up, in a pub, designed to be especially helpful to teachers. The idea is to get teachers and professionals/enthusiasts together and then spread knowledge, skills and know-how in a relaxed environment. This Coding Evening is run by teacher Hannah Mills and will take place at The Brewery Tap from 5-9.30pm on Tuesday, 24th November. You can just turn up, but Hannah would love it if you could register for free tickets on Eventbrite so she can work out how many people will be turning up. So, if you’re a teacher, or if you’re someone who would be interested in sharing knowledge, expertise or enthusiasm, get yourself along to the Tap!
Raspberry Jam

The second event is a Raspberry Jam. This will be Peterborough’s second Jam and will take place at Peterborough Regional College (on the University Campus) on Saturday, 28th November from 11am-4.30pm. Hannah’s involved in this one as well and she, Mike Mills and Tony Warner will be ready to welcome you to this great venue. They are looking for people to take part in show-and-tell, give talks in the (rather nice) lecture theatre and facilitate workshops. Tickets, which are £3 for adults and free for 16-and-unders can be obtained from Eventbrite. Last time they had a Jam it was a great event, attracting a lot of well-known faces from the Pi community and having a really nice ‘feel’ to it. I thoroughly recommend going, and if you can get involved in any of the ways mentioned above, even better!