A detailed review with pros and cons for buying the new 512mb version of the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 512MB review | Pc & mac desktops Reviews | TechRadar.
A detailed review with pros and cons for buying the new 512mb version of the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 512MB review | Pc & mac desktops Reviews | TechRadar.
A fantastic article on how to run ColdFusion on the Pi in the shape of the Railo open source back-end. This is brilliant because, being a ColdFusion developer by trade, it means I can now use my native language on the Pi.
Should be interesting to create some libraries to interact with the GPIO. Possibly, this will mean using Java components called from CF. Brilliant! Thanks, Glyn.
PLEASE NOTE: I tried this how-to tonight and it DOES NOT WORK correctly. I couldn’t even get the Arc emulator working that you need for Elite. Very disappointing.
Tutorial on how to get Elite for the Archimedes running on RiscOS through an emulator on the Raspberry Pi.
Several magazines are covering the Pi this coming month. Read more on the Pi in Print page for January 2012.
A quick tutorial on installing a Ruby implementation of the Pi. Requires compilation of source.