Trevor Appleton has released his script that will take a folder of images, convert any images it finds into JPG, delete the original and then resize the new image to a fixed width. This is something you could quite easily run on a Pi. Read how to do it here.
Sonic Pi: Live & Coding Summer School
Ben & Phil from Juneau Projects have written a guest post on the Foundation blog about the recent Cambridge-based summer school which used Sonic Pi to create a “live coding” concert, amongst other things! You can read the post here. If you haven’t tried out Sonic Pi v2 and it’s ability to be changed mid-composition, you should check it out.
Create a motion sensor fortune teller with a Raspberry Pi
Richard Julian has blogged this nice little project which has you creating a fortune teller which speaks to ‘guests’ whenever it detects movement. Creepy but fun. Read about it here.
Learn how to solder with Carrie Anne Philbin
Carrie Anne’s been wanting to learn to solder for a while. She’s now learnt how to do it and has made this great video that teaches you which end of the soldering iron is which and how to make good solder joints. Watch it below. If you haven’t subscribed to the Geek Gurl Diaries YouTube channel, you should – it’s a great way for beginners (and non-beginners!) to learn about gadget and tech stuff.
Using the PiFace Control & Display board with the Raspberry Pi
Matt Hawkins has done a tutorial on getting this board to work on the Pi, including what software to install. He’s even included a sample script to show how to read the button presses and display to the screen. Head over to Raspberry Pi Spy to check it out.
Hacking Big Trak with the Raspberry Pi – podcast
Russell Barnes has conducted an interview with engineer Leo White about his projects involving kids’ toy BigTrak. You can listen to the podcast here.