The Raspberry Pi Foundation has published a lovely tutorial using the Python Turtle library to draw snowflakes. It’s a great example of recursive programming and will certainly while away a couple of hours with the kids on a cold weekend afternoon. Take a look here.
Raspberry Pi Hamster Fitness Tracker
Jamie Bailey from Initial State wanted to find out how far his 9-year-old daughter’s hamster ran. He came up with a great way of measuring it using a laser (and who doesn’t love lasers!). Find out how they did it here.
Raspberry Pi Today Podcast – Pi Wars
Russell Barnes of RasPi.Today came along to Pi Wars on Saturday and has created a podcast out of all the interviews he conducted while he was there. Head over to RasPi.Today to listen to it.
Raytracing on the Raspberry Pi
Digital photo frame with a Raspberry Pi
Greg Betz has been building a digital photo frame powered by a Raspberry Pi which accepts changes remotely. You can read all about his build on his blog.
Interface a gyro and accelerometer with a Raspberry Pi
Mark Williams is currently running a Kickstarter for a great little sensor add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It’s called the BerryIMU (which stands for Inertial Measurement Unit). He’s been writing a series of great articles to support the project. His latest article is all about using a gyro and accelerometer to get readings about attitude and movement. You can read the article here.