Another interesting post from Matt Hawkins over at Raspberry Pi Spy about getting a cheap-as-chips PIR motion sensor working with Python and the Pi.
Cheap PIR Sensors and the Raspberry Pi – Part 1 | Raspberry Pi Spy.
Another interesting post from Matt Hawkins over at Raspberry Pi Spy about getting a cheap-as-chips PIR motion sensor working with Python and the Pi.
Cheap PIR Sensors and the Raspberry Pi – Part 1 | Raspberry Pi Spy.
A great instructable on how to create a wireless IP camera powered by a solar battery pack. Includes command-line commands to get it up and running with Motion.
Raspberry Pi: Completely Wireless IP Camera. Solar Battery Pack, WiFi, Logitech Camera, Raspbian.
“It’s Raspberry Pi week at Lifehacker, and for the next five days we’ll be showing you some cool DIY projects you can put together with this little miracle of a device. If you haven’t bought one yet, check out the first section below to learn more about what it is, what you’ll need, and the cool stuff you can do with one.”
Romilly Cocking over at Quick2Wire has done an excellent explanation of the two most important protocols used on the Pi.
Great tutorial on how to use a little breakout module to add a serial port that you can connect to over bluetooth. Going to get hold of one of these cheap ($8/£5 from devices and give it a go!
Adding a Bluetooth serial terminal to Raspberry Pi | We Saw a Chicken ….
Excellent post about creating a clock that shows the time in QR-code, thus making it only readable by using a QR scanner/reader. Completely useless, of course, but a fun way to use surplus LCD boards.