Iker Zubi has written up instructions for building a fixed-wing drone using a Zero and the PXFmini add-on board. There’s a bill-of-materials and pictures of the build at each stage. He reckons the whole thing comes to about $150 (although personally I would add on a Pi camera to get video footage and photographs). Still, that’s not bad for a drone and it looks like a lot of fun! Take a look at the project page here.
3D printed smart alarm clock based around a Raspberry Pi Zero
Here’s a nice 3D printable project for you. fgebhart has used a Raspberry Pi Zero, some prototyping board, an alphanumeric display, an amplifier and a 3D-printed enclosure to build a smart alarm clock.
It has the following features:
- text to speech synthesizer
- three ways of wake-up sound:
- play local mp3 files
- play internet radio station and
- play latest news as podcast (independent to the alarm time)
- set alarm via smartphone or any other computer
- runs Apache2 server
- automatic display brightness adjustment
- audio amplifier volume control
- 3D-printed case
- built-in tactile switch
- alphanumeric display shows text
- 3W speaker definitely wakes you up!
You can find the files for the 3D printing here, the code here and an Instructable on how it all fits together here. An assembly and demo video is below:
Pimoroni releases solderless headers for the Raspberry Pi Zero and add-on boards
If you are scared to solder, or don’t want to go to the expense of buying one, there are a few things that you just can’t do with the Raspberry Pi. It’s true that many add-on boards come with their GPIO headers fitted, but some (like the Pi Zero and pHATs) need them soldering on. Well, Pimoroni to the rescue. They’ve developed GPIO Hammer Headers – you take the header, press it into the relevant holes, put a plastic jig around it and then… hit it with a hammer. The headers have special little “nubbins” that go through the holes and then grip the back side of them. Ingenious! You can buy the headers for a few pounds from the Pimoroni website.
East London Raspberry Jam – 11th February
Nic Hughes is organising another East London Raspberry Jam. The Jam will take place in Barking Library from 12-4pm on Saturday, 11th February. There are workshops planned and an opportunity for Show and Tell. Nic’s a great guy and it would be great if you could support him by attending the Jam if you’re in the area. Get your free tickets here.
Adventure Time BMO replica uses a Raspberry Pi and RetroPie for a unique retro gaming experience
NinjaBunny9000 has created a life-sized replica of BMO from Adventure Time. The case is 3D printed and the buttons on the front are routed via the innards of a generic SNES controller. The battery can last for around 24 hours and he has added a wireless games controller as well for the full range of controls. The software side is RetroPie and is displayed on an 8-inch screen. You can see more photos of the build on his Imgur page.
Gun art installation plays music from a Raspberry Pi based on US arms exports
Constantine Zlatev, Kostadin Ilov and Velina Ruseva have taken a disabled shotgun and some salvaged industrial components and created a musical instrument. Called The Last Gun, is controlled by a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino and uses compressed air to play different tunes through the barrel of the gun. Determining what is played is done based on a graph of US arms exports from the 1960s to 2010. If the amount of exports rises, the tune becomes more sombre; if the exports fall, a more upbeat tune is played. You can see more pictures on Constantine’s blog here and watch a video below: