Interview with Raspberry Pi (Pi-Top) laptop creators

Russell Barnes has done a great interview with the creators of the Pi Top, the Raspberry Pi laptop that you put together yourself. He interviews Ryan Dunwoody and Jesse Lozano and goes into the process behind developing and marketing the product, including the great coverage they received before the IndieGoGo campaign launch. They chat about the educational aims of the Pi-Top and also about the HATs that are being launched with the laptop itself. Listen to the podcast here.

You can find out more about Pi-Top here and see the IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign here.

Retro-fit your old Gameboy with a Raspberry Pi

We’ve seen it before: a Gameboy mod with a Pi inside. Well, this Instructable tells you how to do it yourself. Tim G has used a Raspberry Pi Model A and various other, fairly cheap, components in this tutorial which should be possible to replicate if you can get hold of an old handheld. I’ve got one and I think I’ll give this a try (my previous attempt failed). See the Instructable here.

Raspberry Pi time lapse photography captures endangered species hatching

Wellington, New Zealand resident Warren was asked to record the hatching of an endangered species: the tuatara. The tuatara is a reptile that is rapidly dying out thanks to some stowaway rats from the 17th Century. So, he used a PiNoIR camera, a macro lens and a custom case to set-up a time-lapse of the process. You can see the results of his endeavour in the video below and you can read more about the project on his blog here.