Tiny, and I mean, TINY, robot built out of bits and a Raspberry Pi

At the Pi Party, the lovely people from Pi Borg turned up with an ickle, tiny, tiny robot called BoB, aka The Bot of Bits. Made from a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Zumo Chassis, together with their new Thunderborg motor controller, BoB is a zippy little thing that turns over if you stop him quickly! You can read how to make your own on Hackster.IO.

You can see a video of BoB in action below:

Create a robot spider using a Raspberry Pi, a couple of kits and CamJam EduKit 3

Mark Norwood is a beginner at hacking and making, so he says, but that hasn’t stopped him from taking on this project to take an off-the-shelf robot spider and control it from a Raspberry Pi. He took two of the spider kits, split them in half so that he could control the two sides independently and added a Raspberry Pi Zero W and the controller board from CamJam EduKit 3. He got it following lines and detecting objects as well as responding to remote control and he’s documented the entire process over on his blog – so head over there to read more.

Raspberry Jamboree 2017 – Saturday, 27th May

Les Pounder and Claire Wicher have just announced the 2017 Raspberry Jamboree, which takes place on Saturday, 27th May in Manchester from 9am to 5pm. This is an unconference-style event which will have two tracks of non-organised talks and one track of organised workshops. Free tickets to the event, which takes place in the Central Library, are available here. More information about the event and how to get involved is available on Les’ blog.

I think this is terrific – the North needs a big event like this and Les and Claire are well-known people in the community who can make it happen.

Covent Garden Raspberry Jam – 15th April

Hi everyone. Pi Wars is now over! Phew! It means I can get back to blogging regularly and keeping you up to date with all the news from the Raspberry Pi world.

On Saturday, 15th April, there will be a Raspberry Jam in Covent Garden, London. Taking place at the Dragon Hall Trust on Stukeley Street, the event will have various activities happening including Sonic Pi and Minecraft as well as beginners sessions for those who have just bought their Pi. Free tickets are available from Eventbrite.