This Raspberry Pi-powered robot can change the shape of its wheels to overcome obstacles

Al Bencomo has created this wonderful 3D-printed robot that can overcome obstacles by changing the shape of its wheels. FRILLER (FRILL Explorer Robot) uses a Raspberry Pi 3 with Android Things OS to control motors connected via an Adafruit Motor HAT. As Al explains it:

The wheel deformation mechanism is composed of two DC geared motors, sliding racks, and an elastic cord. When the motors push out the racks, the wheel diameter becomes larger. The elastic cord around the wheels assists with the return of the spikes to the close position when the motors pull the racks back inside. The wheels remain round for faster travel on roads or indoors, but transform into spikes to overcome obstacles off-road.

You can read more and download the STL files for the 3D printer here and view his code on GitHub here. See it in action in the video below:

Multiple Raspberry Pis used to detect illegal pornography

Christian Haschek from Austria has developed a system to identify illegally uploaded pornographic images. Following the upload of a child sexual abuse image to his image hosting platform, Pictshare, Haschek naturally contacted the police who told him to print it out and give it to them. Knowing that this was illegal in itself, Haschek instead turned to the Raspberry Pi to solve the problem.

Three Pis were used, two with Intel Movidius USB dongles, used to classify images together with open source algorithm NSFW which available from Yahoo free of charge.

He set the scanning system to find any image with a 30% or more chance of being dodgy and got it to report the images to him so he could send them to Interpol and then delete them. So far, he has found more than a dozen illegal images on the platform.

You can read more over on Christian’s blog.

Humble Bundle releases a great selection of Raspberry Pi and Arduino books at knock-down prices

The latest Humble Bundle book deal (just a sample of which is shown above) contains several books from Make including “Make: A Raspberry Pi-Controlled Robot” by Wolfram Donat and various other electronics and programming volumes. Well worth a look if you like your books electronic and informative. Visit Humble Bundle here.

Thanks to Doug Gore for spotting this!

Simple GUI for creating stop motion animations with the Raspberry Pi

Martin O’Hanlon, who recently joined Raspberry Pi as a Content and Curriculum Manager, has been playing around with the PiCamera library in conjunction with guizero which helps you to create simple user interfaces. He has created an app that runs on the Raspberry Pi that helps you to create stop-motion animations. You can download the software from his blog where there are instructions and information about how the app was written.

Ocean race team uses Raspberry Pi to collate wearables data

The Volvo Ocean Race is held every three years and covers 45,000 nautical miles in 10 legs. Starting in Alicante, Spain and finishing in The Hague, Netherlands, it takes around nine months to complete with gaps in between legs – sailing teams can expect to spend over 100 days at sea, sometimes up to 21 days at a time.

Team AkzoNobel from Holland, competing for the first time, have a particular interest in how technology can assist the crew. They decided to go with a Garmin wearable to monitor the health of the crew, collecting data on sleep, heart rate and nutrition and a Raspberry Pi server running SAP Leonardo’s IoT platform to collate the data.

You can read more over on TechRadar.

Pi Wars 2019 – dates announced – find out more and apply to enter our international Raspberry Pi Robotics Challenge Competition

Tim Richardson and I are pleased to announce that our next Pi Wars competition will take place on 30th & 31st March 2019. The competition, which has grown substantially since its inception in 2014, last year attracted over 150 applicants for the 76 available places. We are hopeful that we will have a similar response for the 2019 event. 🙂

You can find out more information here and you can apply to enter here. If you have any questions about the competition, please contact us through the Pi Wars website.