Hacking toolbox to teach electronics with the Raspberry Pi and Minecraft

“Piper” was developed by Mark Pavlyukovskyy, Alex Stokes, and Shree Bose and it uses a modified version of Minecraft running on Raspberry Pi to walk players through creating circuits and interacting with them. It’s currently under development and beta test with schools and museum visitor groups. You can see a picture of the kit above and you can read more about it by reading this interview with the creators over at Make.

FUZE with Raspberry Pi goes retro with new-look special edition

The makers of FUZE, the hard-wearing, all-in-one Raspberry Pi computer, have just launched a special edition. Called the T2-SE, this has everything their normal T2 has, including a breakout board that gives you not only normal, digital input/output but analogue input as well. The cool thing they’ve done is to take a leaf out of the BBC Micro book and given it a new cream skin with red function keys. It now looks very similar to the BBC and reminds us all of what a great design that was. You can get hold of your own FUZE by heading over to their shop.

I like the look of this one and, if I had the money, this would be the model I’d go for, just for a bit of retro!