Over at Linux User & Developer, Rob Zwetsloot has written a mini-tutorial for Sonic Pi. It deals with making sure you have the software installed and then helps you to write a “mini concert” in the language. Read it here.
Automatic mouse launcher with a #RaspberryPi
Over on the Raspberry Pi Foundation blog, they are featuring the work of John Shovic who has automated a way to keep his cat entertained. Using a pair of motors and some detection sensors, he has set up his Pi to control the launching, in the air, of toy mice. Sounds insane, sounds a bit silly, it’s probably a bit of both, but read more here.
UNICEF to use #RaspberryPi and HDMIPi for refugee camps
UNICEF have teamed up with Alex Eames, Cyntech and Pimoroni to take the Raspberry Pi into refugee camps in Lebanon. I won’t say more as I believe that everyone should read the full piece over on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s blog. This is brilliant stuff and just goes to show what our low-cost platform can do for those in situations far graver than our own.
Using the Wolfson audio card with the #RaspberryPi
Over on Element14, Tim (aka packetgeek) has been road-testing a Wolfson audio card. He’s been working towards creating a Softsqueeze client with the card and he’s fully documented the procedure. Read it here. Although the review score (54/60) is high, once again the lack of documentation has been mentioned.
Getting started with the #RaspberryPi Pi Co-Op
Matt Hawkins over at Raspberry Pi Spy has done a nice beginners intro for the Pi Co-Op board in which he makes an LED blink. It’s a simple example of what can be done with the board but worthwhile as it gets you started. Read about it here or read my account of the same board.
#RaspberryPi camera with Twitterbot
This is a work-in-progress but nice to take a look at if you like photography projects. Nicholas Moore is working on a camera based on work done by Adafruit with an automatic Tweet-sender program. Read more here.