CamJam EduKit 3, which will soon be available again from The Pi Hut, is a cheap robotics kit for the Raspberry Pi. For £17 (plus delivery) you get everything you need to start experimenting with robotics. Add a chassis and a few more components, like a mobile phone charger battery and a PS3 controller, and you have a remote controlled wheeled robot you can drive all over the place. Now, well-known Cambridge-based hacker Brian Corteil has done just that, but with a specific reason in mind.
At the Raspberry Pi Big Birthday Weekend which is taking place on 5th and 6th March in Cambridge, UK, Brian will be running a Show and Tell stand with a difference. Featured on the stand will be Micro Pi Noon. Taking it’s inspiration from Pi Wars (see picture below), robots will battle it out in an arena, attempting to pop a balloon mounted on the other robot.

Micro Pi Noon, however, will have a twist: robots must fit in the footprint of an A6 piece of paper (10x15cm). Brian is building two of the robots pictured at the top of the post so that you can try it out yourself at the Big Birthday Weekend. You’re also welcome to build your own. Brian’s made this a lot easier by creating a set of instructions and code that you can use to build your robot and then use a PS3 controller to drive it. So, head over to Brian’s blog to take a look at his great build instructions.