Cat Lamin previously reviewed her initial use of CamJam EduKit 3 with her friend Louise. Well, now the ladies have had another hack session and progressed to using the sensors included in the kit. She recounts their escapades here.
Take screenshots of Minecraft and other stuff on the Raspberry Pi
I’m over at the in-laws but thought I might just as well blog a bit.
Martin O’Hanlon has blogged about a utility called raspi2png which “Andrew from Melbourne” has written which allows you to take screenshots, including from Minecraft Pi Edition. Instructions on how to use it can be found over at Stuff About Code.
Wombat prototyping board for the Raspberry Pi – review
Francesco Vannini has got hold of a Wombat prototyping board which is a huge (by Pi standards) breakout and breadboard prototyping board made by Australian company Gooligum. He’s given it the once-over and has done a nice round-up of all its features. Take a look at the review here.
Install Chromium OS on the Raspberry Pi
ChromiumOS, which is similar to ChromeOS, is available to install on the Raspberry Pi. Gus over at Pi My Life Up has written a tutorial that will help you download and write the image to an SD card so you can try it out for yourself. For best results, use a Raspberry Pi 2 or, preferably, 3. Read how to do it here.
Code a holdable button with GPIO Zero on the Raspberry Pi
Martin O’Hanlon has worked out how to extend GPIO Zero and has coded up a ‘holdable button’. This means that you can code a physical button to do one thing on a momentary press and another thing when the button is held for more than a specified amount of time. Hopefully this will be absorbed into the main GPIO Zero library at some point. Until then, you can download the code from Martin’s blog.
Use your Raspberry Pi 3 as a wifi access point
Phil Martin has worked out how to activate AP mode on the built-in wifi module on the Raspberry Pi 3. Using some standard Linux software, he has written a tutorial that takes you through the activation, allow the Pi to give out IP addresses to connecting devices and then set up IPv4 forwarding. Great stuff – this will come in really useful for those wanting to connect to their Pi headlessly. Read how he did it here.