Martin O’Hanlon, who normally can be found messing around with Minecraft Pi, has written some software to aid you in ripping CDs in an automated way.
Bullet time effect with 48 #RaspberryPi and cameras
The team at PiFace Digital created a rig of 48 Pis, complete with camera modules and PiFace boards, put them into a circle and created the Frozen Pi – a bullet time photographic system. The Pis are triggered at the same time to take a photograph and the pics are then stitched together so that it appears that the subject of the photograph is frozen in place while the camera spins round them. Great project – used an awful lot of cable!
Control someone else’s Christmas lights with the XmasPi! #raspberrypi
And we’re back… After the Cambridge Raspberry Jam I’m just quickly posting this. Look out for a full CamJam post later on this week.
Sam has hooked his Pi and an Arduino up to his Christmas lights and train set and has opened up access to control it to the entire world. This is great fun and I urge you to give it a try!
Control the lights and train set
If you’re interested in this kind of thing, the internet of things and home automation, check out Charlotte Godley’s post about using the Pi and SpaceBrew to control a strip of LEDs.
Cambridge Raspberry Jam – Live streaming link & programme (#rjam #camjam @Raspberry_Pi @RasJamMaker #raspberrypi)
Good morning everyone.
We begin streaming live from the Cambridge Raspberry Jam (aka CamJam) today at about 1pm. Here’s the URL:
Linked from that page is the URL to use from mobile devices.
Feel free to tweet us using the hashtags #rjam and #camjam.
Hopefully it will all go without a hitch and you’ll be able to join us virtually.
Here’s the programme of events:
1pm – Introduction (Michael Horne & Tim Richardson)
1.10pm – Keynote: Journeying with the Pi (Matthew Timmons-Brown)
1.25pm – Ciseco Lightning Talk
1.30pm – Cyntech/Pimoroni Lightning Talk (including HDMIPi)
1.45pm – NOOBS and operating systems (Gordon Hollingworth)
2.15pm – Pi Hut Lightning Talk
2.25pm – Break
3.15pm – Sonic Pi (Carrie Anne Philbin)
3.50pm – The Ryanteck Motor Controller Board (Ryan Walmsley)
4.10pm – Break
4.55pm – Pico Piduino & Microcontrollers (Phil Howard)
5.25pm – Open Panel Session – The Future of Cam Jam
I hope everything goes swimmingly. Please bear with us if we have some technical issues
Enjoy the Jam!
Mike & Tim
Tickets available for Saturday’s Cambridge Raspberry Jam #rjam @raspberry_pi
Due to transportation problems, we’ve just lost a party of 17 who were coming from Kings Lynn to the Jam this Saturday. That means that there are some tickets available. If you’re free and would like to come, please contact me either through the blog or via email
This is on a first-come, first-served basis so when the tickets are gone, they’re gone! In fact, they’re already going so move fast!
Cambridge Raspberry Jam – 7th December 2013 – Live Streaming

I just thought I’d blog about the fact that we are, once again, Live Streaming the Lecture Theatre sessions.
If you want to watch the live stream, it’s best to register first (it’s free) at Eventbrite. You will then get the link emailed to you on the morning of the Jam. I’ll also blog the link and programme so you can just drop in if you don’t fancy registering.
I won’t reveal the programme until the day but by watching the live stream you’ll definitely see presentations from the likes of Matt, The Raspberry Pi Guy, Gordon Hollingworth of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Carrie Anne Philbin (Geek Gurl Diaries) and Philip Howard (@gadgetoid). You can also watch a closing session when we’ll be discussing future Cambridge Jams.
This Jam is a big thing for those involved – it’s the first Jam we’ve run that features a morning programming workshop for kids. Our tutor, Alex Eames (of RasPi.TV and HDMIPi fame!) will be leading the kids in an introduction to Scratch and using some exercises kindly provided to us by Code Club.
The kids will then move on to physical computing by using Cyntech‘s new GPIO board Pibrella. This board is so new that they are labelled as ‘demo units’! We’re very grateful to Simon Walters (@cymplecy) for writing the code that enables Scratch to work with this board – he’s been an absolute star!
If you want to follow the Jam on Twitter, we’ll be tweeting using the hashtag #camjam.