Roberts R757 Radio refurbishment project – Raspberry Pi inside!

For a few years, I have been following the work of Martin Mander, a hobbyist with a passion for refurbishing and repurposing vintage electrical equipment. Recently, Martin repurposed a 1970s transistor radio to create an internet radio. This inspired me to look around to see what I could find to do something similar.

I came across a radio from 1996 on eBay – an R757 from Surrey-based manufacturer Roberts, who are now based in the West Midlands. I refurbished it physically and then took the insides out, replaced them with a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Pimoroni pHAT Beat audio board and wrote some software to turn it into my own internet radio.

You can read the full build details and more about the software on this page. Comments welcome! 🙂

Raspberry Pi used in projection art work to proclaim that Black Lives Matter

Kareem Rahma stands in front of a projection project he led that displays on the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Wednesday, June 10, 2020. Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle | Sahan Journal

Artist Kareem Rahma is an Egyptian-American who has settled in Brooklyn. The recent killing of George Floyd spurred him into action to create a statement piece which would be achieved by projecting onto the side of the Mill City Museum in Minnesota, Minneapolis. The projection includes the faces of Floyd and many others who have been lost due to police violence.

The project, called “The Revolution Will be Televised” was developed with collaborators Khalil Anderson, Hayley Pappas and Smiley Stevens and took just two days to put together. The museum, which has stated they had nothing to do with the projection, has not asked the artists to take it down yet, and it is being left as a tribute to those who have lost their lives.

The projection is controlled by a Raspberry Pi computer, with images and video stored on a USB drive, displayed on an auditorium projector and a generator for power, all set-up 400 feet back from the target surface. The equipment and the technical know-how was provided by David Dellanave, a Minneapolis gym owner.

You can read more and see some quotes from those involved at the Sahan Journal.

Turn your micro:bit into an IoT device using an ElecFreaks add-on board and then power it from a chargeable battery

Here‘s an interesting way of using the micro:bit – as an IoT sensor device that can be deployed remotely. By using an ElecFreaks IoT:bit and some sensors, together with an online service called ThingSpeak you can broadcast, capture, access and graph readings from the micro:bit. The IoT:bit has an ESP8266 on-board, allowing you to use the supplied MakeCode blocks to connect to your wifi. Then, it’s a simple matter of accessing readings from attached sensors and sending them to ThingSpeak. It’s ingenious, especially when combined with the MonkMakes charger kit for the microbit which is also available from Cool Components.

You can read the full story over on

15-minute micro:bit video guides from the micro:bit Foundation

The micro:bit Foundation newsletter is a rich source of new projects, tutorials and news about the micro:bit. This week, they’ve announced 3, 15-minute video project guides as follows. Take a look – let me know what you think of them! 🙂

Species counter
Program a simple counter to track the different species you can see from your window, in your garden or local park.

Saving sea turtles
Did you know beach lighting can harm sea turtle hatchlings because they confuse it for the moon? Make a micro:bit beach light to guide humans whilst keeping turtles safe.

Light-up fishing nets
Lights on fishing nets can help prevent species we want to protect from being caught by mistake. A micro:bit prototype shows you how.

Make your own CPU with a micro:bit – a tutorial and background from Giles Booth

Giles Booth has written up a great educational project that involves using a micro:bit to show you how a CPU/processor works. This is what he said about his intentions:

I decided my micro:bit CPU would be a 5-bit computer, rather than 8-bit as you might expect. This is because I want to show the contents of memory, instructions and so on using the LEDs on the micro:bit’s display, which is made up of 5 rows of 5.

He decided that it would have 4 “instructions” that it could take, as follows:

  • Load memory location to A
  • Add memory location to A
  • Output A
  • Halt

As he acknowledges, this is very limited as an instruction set but it does provide a terrific proof-of-concept for budding computer designers/engineers.

You can read full details and follow his working/code over on his blog.

Save the World with Code by Lorraine Underwood – book review

From Lorraine Underwood, care of McGraw Hill Publishing, comes this project book which promises to “engage kids with coding and making”. It includes 20 projects using a Raspberry Pi, micro:bit and/or the Circuit Playground Express – making it the first book I have seen that offers parallel experiences across three devices.

TL;DR – The book is wonderful and is appropriate for children of all ages. Find it on Amazon.

The multi-device approach is excellent as it means you can see how different devices do things in different ways – it highlights how these devices can be used differently depending on your age and experience level and also gives you a way to learn how to move between them easily.

The book is in full-colour (which is an excellent choice as the block programming diagrams are colour-coded in the various editors) and this makes the book feel vibrant and “fun”.

The content

The book opens with a good introduction in which the various boards are described and then the groups of “missions” are introduced. These are: Zombies Defense; Defend Your Home and Save the World.

In Zombie Defense, you will build:

  • Zombie Detector
  • Zombie Escape Sign
  • Light Sensor
  • Light-up Backpack
  • Light-up Attack Sword
  • Reaction Game

In Defend Your Home you will do the following projects:

  • Name Badge
  • Door Sensor
  • Sword Lock
  • Cookie Jar Protector
  • Number Lock
  • Mobile Alarm
  • Floor Mat Alarm
  • Treasure Box Alarm

In Save the World, you move on to the following:

  • Step Counter
  • Bike Indicator
  • Moisture Sensor
  • Temperature Monitor
  • Temperature Alarm
  • Window Alarm

In each of these projects (well, most of them) you get a choice of micro:bit, Circuit Playground Express or Raspberry Pi. Not all of the projects can be completed with all the devices, and the Raspberry Pi does get a slight disadvantage here due to the lack of on-board sensors.

Many of the projects (you can tell by the names, above) build on work from previous chapters, so it pays to work through the book sequentially. There are plenty of skills to learn here, many of them using sensors and many using LED strips (which are always popular).

As you might have worked out by now, you’ll need some additional components to really get the best out of the book. Fortunately, Pimoroni (who were impressed with the book) have created a collection on their site to enable you to find what you need.

The Tone

The tone of the book is “just right”. It is friendly without being “horribly chummy” and Lorraine’s personality comes through in the way that the sections are organised and written. The book is particularly aimed at children and I was impressed with the way that skills are learned and then questions are posed to make the reader really think about what they’re doing and why things work the way they do. I also like the way that most of the “Expert Level” sections of each chapter are written as challenges to the reader – this encourages creative thinking and thinking outside the box.

No book of this size and level of content would be able to stand on its own and so Lorraine has created a website to accompany it. The website isn’t quite finished yet but more content will be added as time allows (in this strange Lockdown time we’re living in!)


This really is a wonderful book. The progression of the “missions” is excellent – there is just enough to challenge you each time you start a new project without it being overwhelming and the instructions are clear with an incredible number of screenshots, illustrations and photographs to accompany the text. In an ideal world, I would like to have been able to use the Raspberry Pi for every project, but really you want to use the right tool for the right job. The micro:bit and the Circuit Playground Express have onboard sensors, buttons and LEDs and the Raspberry Pi just doesn’t. I would definitely start off with the two smaller boards before moving onto the Pi anyway, so it definitely doesn’t “hurt” the book all that much. The Raspberry Pi-based projects are well-spaced and so are appropriate for a more advanced reader anyway as the learning curve is steeper.

The variety of projects in the book is good and I do love the way there is an environmentally-friendly “feel” to the projects, especially during the last mission. It shows an understanding and appreciation of the challenges facing the planet, and that can only be a good thing!

Overall: Highly recommended for children and adults of all ages who want to explore a friendly and accessible book with excellent projects.

You can buy the book on Amazon around the world. In the UK it is available in Waterstones and Amazon. The price is approximately £18.99.