Raspberry Pi UPS HAT from S.USV – review

S.USV advanced UPS HAT

I was sent one of these HATs to get some feedback and a review. I’m free to say what I like.


Today, I’m reviewing the S.USV HAT from German company S.Seprotronic GmbH. The HAT comes in two flavours – Basic and Advanced. They sent me the Advanced one but I will point out the differences between the two versions where appropriate.


The HAT’s primary use is as a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). It comes with a 300mAh LIPO battery that you plug into the board via a standard connector. The HAT has a charging circuit built-in so when you’re not using the battery, it is being charged. On the Advanced version (but not the basic) there is a connector and some extra circuitry to allow you to provide between 7 volts and 24 volts of power as an alternate power source. This could come in very handy if you had a power source such as solar panels, for example. The HAT comes with an extended GPIO header so you can carry on using the GPIO and the board communicates with the Pi via I2C so it doesn’t take up any GPIO ports. The I2C is even configurable, so if you should find a hardware conflict, you can change the I2C address via software. There are various indicator LEDs on the board that tell you the status of the UPS and the battery. The board is well-designed, well-laid out and clean. There are two buttons: ‘off’ and ‘on/reboot’. These are not labelled on the board, which is a shame as it is difficult to remember which one carries out which function.


For a 40-pin Pi, the HAT automatically configures the ‘overlays’ required for it to work. There are instructions on how to configure the Pi manually if you need to. There is a daemon to be downloaded from their website. It is a small download and the instructions to install the package are clear and simple: easily within the capabilities of anyone who can follow some simple steps. The daemon is configurable and you have control over automatic start-up, automatic shutdown and various other options such as how long to wait to shutdown safely after switching over to battery power. My favourite option here is to switch the automatic on-battery shutdown off entirely. There is a safety feature which means that, even with this option off, if the battery goes below 10% the Pi is shutdown safely. Configuring the daemon is done via the command line, but most people who are going to be using this board should be comfortable enough in that environment. I found the configuration/status facility to be excellent and clear. If you are required to restart the daemon, it clearly tells you that you need to do so. There is a real-time clock on-board too which automatically installs itself when you boot for the first time.


This is one of these things that “just works”. I should say that I experienced a couple of software-based problems:

  1. The ‘off’ button didn’t work.
  2. The automatic, scheduled shutdown didn’t work when I tried it out, but I have a feeling that I did something wrong!

Overall, I have to say I’m very impressed with this HAT. A lot of thought has obviously gone into the hardware With the advanced model, the extra power supply flexibility is very welcome and the inclusion of a LIPO battery as standard is great as it saves you having to source one yourself. There is even an option on their website to purchase a 3000mAh battery if you want a bigger margin for safety.

The instructions and manual are very good and I had no trouble following them.

The software, even though it is command-line based, is very good and I liked the amount of configuration options available.

The HATs are currently only available from their website. The basic model costs 30 Euros (£24) and the advanced model costs 55 Euros (£44). Postage is on top of that. I would say that the extra £20 for the additional power circuitry is worth it if that’s what you need to make your project work. There are a lot of components on this HAT, so I think the prices are reasonable for what you get.

Recommended if you need a UPS!

Terrifying Terror from a Raspberry Pi Creative Technologist

The Raspberry Pi Creative Technologists

Last year, Yasmin Curren was selected as one of the Raspberry Pi Creative Technologists. On 23rd April, I attended the CTs exhibition at Raspberry Pi Towers and saw her project. It was an interactive video-based experience about monsters living under the bed. It was genuinely disturbing, especially the ‘dare you press it?’ button which… No, perhaps I don’t want to re-live that! It was definitely one of the highlights for me – she had set the lighting low, the sound level to just the right place and created an atmosphere of foreboding. And that was just before you sat down in front of the house model! Yasmin has now written up the entire project so you can see what she’s been up to! Read it here.

Picademy goes to Baltimore in August to teach educators about the Raspberry Pi

Picademy, the free CPD course for educators seeking to get the Raspberry Pi into their classrooms, is well and truly on its way in the USA. There will be a Picademy in Baltimore, Maryland on 13th-14th August. The course will be held at The Digital Harbor Foundation on Light St and there are 40 spaces available. So, if you’re interested, go to this page to read more about conditions and how to apply.