Jay Turla, a writer for the Infosec Institute, has done a great round-up of Linux distros and apps that will work on the Raspberry Pi to carry out network penetration tests. Read more here
#RaspberryPi Cambridge Raspberry Jam – Saturday 20th July 2013 – Tickets still available
I’m running my second Raspberry Jam on 20th July in Cambridge. There are still a few tickets available – visit Eventbrite to get yours!
Whistle-stop guide to #RaspberryPi NOOBS
The New-Out-Of-Box-System for the Pi was released a few weeks ago. You can download it here. Matthew Manning from Rapsberry Pi IV Beginners has done a very quick guide to how to use it:
#RaspberryPi Benchmarks
Patrick Kennedy at servethehome.com has run a series of typical Linux benchmarks on the Raspberry Pi. Some interesting results here, though as expected the Pi is pretty low down the pack. A few problems with this article, though: they haven’t really mentioned relative costs, they haven’t really picked anything that the Pi specifically does well and their conclusion is a bit harsh! Worth a read anyway. Read about the benchmarks here
GPS Logger for the #RaspberryPi
A blogger on Tweetypi.co.uk has written about how to log GPS coordinates into sqlite3. I’ve decided to integrate this with the Picorder so I thought I’d give them a shout out! Read the blog post or view the code on Github.
piweekly – New #RaspberryPi weekly newsletter is launched!
Well-known Pi enthusiasts Ben Nuttall (@ben_nuttall – Manchester Raspberry Jams) and Ryan Walmsley (@ryanteck – creator of Rastrack) have teamed up to create a new weekly newsletter called Piweekly, and it launched today!
Here’s a summary of what will be included in the newsletter:
The piweekly newsletter is a compilation of news from the Raspberry Pi community, including updates from the Foundation, developments in the technical realm and reports of various notable ongoings, as well as links to interesting projects from individuals and organisations around the UK and the rest of the world, not only technical hardware and software projects but also community events and initiatives.
Subscribe to Piweekly here and read more information about the newsletter and its creators.