Servando Barreiro has made an audio processor/looper using a Raspberry Pi and the KORG monotron. Looks like a sweet project.
Multi-Boot Your #RaspberryPi with BerryBoot
Jason Fitzpatrick has worked with BerryBoot to work out how to have more than one operating system on your Pi’s SD card. Read about it here
#RaspberryPi NAS with two 1TB drives
Erik Russell has been working on setting up a massive NAS box powered by a Raspberry Pi for network storage and backup purposes. He takes us through the process and points out some of the implications and pitfalls of using a Pi in this way. Read his blog post here
Boost the current going to the #RaspberryPi HDMI port
Cosimo Orlando worked out that the HDMI port doesn’t always provide enough power for display devices. This is especially prevalent when using an HDMI-VGA adaptor. So, he’s come up with a way to feed a full 5V from the micro-USB power input directly into the HDMI output. Warning: This requires soldering directly onto your Raspberry Pi circuit board. Read more here to see how he did it.
Track aircraft with your #RaspberryPi and a TV tuner
Using an RTL-2832U chipset TV tuner, it is possible to track aircraft using your Raspberry Pi. There is a wiki page on that shows you how to do it!
Reviving Teletext with a #RaspberryPi
Over at The New Tech, Moonlit has been working on reproducing the Teletext television text service. A lot of it is over my head, but it still makes for an interesting read. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here