I suppose you could call this SiriPi or RaspberrySiri. Oscar Liang has done an in-depth tutorial for getting voice recognition working on your Pi. Read the tutorial here
Connect your #RaspberryPi to a Motorola Lapdock
Dave, at DaveDen, has done a great guide to the simple way of connecting your Pi up to a Motorola Lapdock.
Another sunset timelapse with the #RaspberryPi
Craig over at Chicago Electronic Distributors has attached his Raspberry Pi to a tree in order to capture a timelapse of sunset over a part of Lake Michigan. The results are beautiful.
#RaspberryPi synthesiser round-up
Liz has posted a great summary of Raspberry Pi music synthesiser projects over on the Foundation blog. I particularly like the TronPi (watch the entire video and embrace the 1980s vibe). The Korg monotron project, of course, was featured on my blog yesterday.
Live weather mapping with lots of #RaspberryPi
Just a quick blog. Over at DragonTail, they have a map showing loads of weather stations driven by the Raspberry Pi. Go and check it out
PiBot: Build your own #RaspberryPi powered robot
Wolfram Donat has written a 40-page guide to creating a small, mobile robot. It’s available as a paperback and a Kindle e-book. Here’s a link to the Kindle version.