Some of you may be wondering whether I have stopped blogging. I haven’t. I’m currently on holiday in Tennessee USA spending time with family, visiting some sights and chilling out. The latter is a bit of a challenge given the 90% humidity! Loving it though. Normal service will resume on or about the 27th August. :~)
4-note piano with a #RaspberryPi and a #PicoBorg
The guys over at Governor Technology have taken a Raspberry Pi, a PiBorg, a PicoBorg and some solenoids and created a 4-note piano. Take a look and see how they did it and play the piano live! Read it here
Using DropBox on the #RaspberryPi by RasPi.TV
Alex Eames has been busy recently – lots of blog posts, which is good because RasPi.TV is still one of the best Raspberry Pi sites out there.
Now, he has written a great tutorial about a piece of software called Dropbox-Uploader which helps you to link up your DropBox account with your Pi and upload to the cloud. Read how to do it here
Remote controlled buggy with a #RaspberryPi and a #PiFace
Steve Breuning has been experimenting with a Pi Face board and has managed to create a remote controlled buggy. He’s described how he did it on his blog. Read it here
RasPi.TV reviews the GPIO reference card / keyring for the #RaspberryPi
#RaspberryPi photo ‘booth’ with the camera
Adam at Tinkurlab has created a portable photobooth (it’s not really a booth!) using a Raspberry Pi and a camera module. Take a look at his blog post here