A blog post on A Slice of Raspberry Pi details how to set-up the Pi end of a wireless serial link. It uses the Slice of Pi GPIO board to do this. The second part, which shows how to set-up the client end of the system, is available here.
Connect a Google Glass to the #RaspberryPi using XMPP
Adafruit has published a tutorial which uses the XMPP protocol to talk between the Google Glass platform and the Raspberry Pi. Read more here
#RaspberryPi Pandora Streamer
Zach has been working on a project to create a standalone Pandora streaming player with a Raspberry Pi. He’s written the project up as a tutorial on his blog.
#RaspberryPi now available more easily in Turkey
The Foundation has, quite rightly, been trying to get the Pi into as many countries as possible. In some European countries, import tax makes buying them from RS/Farnell cost-prohibitive. To fix this problem in Turkey, the Foundation has reached a distribution agreement with Samm Teknoloji. Buyers in Turkey should visit market.samm.com to get their slice of Pi!
Wireless freezer monitor with a #RaspberryPi
Malakai at Raspbians has written a great tutorial that tells you how to create a wireless freezer monitor system using a Raspberry Pi and some bits and pieces for about £35 (not including the Pi itself).
Early draft of Python programming uses Minecraft on the #RaspberryPi
Craig Richardson has been working on a book in which programming is taught using Python and then utilised in the visual environment of the Pi edition of Minecraft. This yet-to-be-finished book was featured on the Foundation website a couple of weeks ago. As they said in their piece, it is sure to become a valuable resource, especially for workshops and schools, as and when it is finished.
As it stands now, it is already a great resource.