A pan-tilt kit Kickstarter for the #RaspberryPi camera module

Pi-Pan, a Pan-Tilt for Raspberry Pi Camera by OpenElectrons.com — Kickstarter

OpenElectrons.com, who have previously created Arduino shields for NXT motors and other NXT bits, have launched a Kickstarter project for a nifty pan-and-tilt mechanism for the camera module called the Pi-Pan. You can still back it for the next 12 days and the mechanism costs $70 delivered. (This is a little bit pricey at first glance, but it comes with a Pi case, all the mountings, the servos and the GPIO controller board so it’s not that bad).

I’ve tried building a pan-tilt mechanism before but found it a bit restricted in terms of the movement. This Kickstarter project seems much better.

Read more about the Kickstarter here

Missing cat found using a #RaspberryPi


Hey Raspberry PI, where is my cat? ~ Everyday Linux User

A nice practical Pi project, this one. This Pi enthusiast was worried that one of his 5 cats had disappeared. (Aside: Why would anyone want 5 cats? 5??? Anyway…)

So, with the theory that the cat returned at night to sleep, he decided to try and capture the cat sleeping on camera. Using a webcam and Camorama software, he was able to capture the image he wanted and confirm that the cat was not, in fact, lost, just out all day. He later refined the project so that instead of capturing an image every 5 minutes, the camera would be motion-activated.

Read more about it here