Mark Williams has been looking at how to generate signals to create PWM-like effects on the Pi. This lets him control the brightness of LEDs without using the PWM pin, albeit in a simulated kind of way. I’ll let him explain it on his blog. His sample code is in C, so perhaps someone can write a Python wrapper to make it a bit easier for others!
Review of the #RaspberryPi Pi-Face board
The Pi-Face has been out for a while. Pete Taylor has been looking at one of the boards and has done a quick review.
Review of the Cambridge Raspberry Jam #rjam
Matt Hawkins has been quick off the mark and written an account of 21st September’s Cambridge Raspberry Jam!
Photos from the Cambridge Raspberry Jam #raspberrypi #rjam
Matt Hawkins (Raspberry Pi Spy) took photos at the Jam yesterday. You can see his shots here:
Here are two handsome devils wearing matching t-shirts:
Engaging Mums & Sons, Dads & Daughters in Computer Science with #RaspberryPi
Alan O’Donohoe (@teknoteacher) recently presented at the Global STEMx Education Conference. It’s a great presentation because it shows how the community (via Raspberry Jams and other events) is trying to engage families, especially young people, with the Raspberry Pi to teach them how to programme and understand technology. (There’s even a mention of the Cambridge Jam which was happening at the same time!)
#RaspberryPi STEM Club experience
I cannot remember for the live of me whether I’ve already blogged this, but all the same it’s worthwhile multiple posts! Here’s David Whale’s experience and lessons learned from running a STEM club using the Pi with 50 kids!