Jim has written a blog post on Unix Etc that shows you how to install WordPress on your Pi. Self-host your blog! Read more here
Use Java on the #RaspberryPi to control the GPIO
Robert Savage has been developing Pi4J, a Java library for the Raspberry Pi that lets you control the GPIO pins. He recently gave a presentation on using the library to the JavaOne conference. His slides and photos, and a little commentary, are available on his blog. You can read it here
Adding a Startup Movie to your #RaspberryPi
Shea Silverman has been trying to add a custom splash screen or movie to his Pi start-up routine. He’s finally managed it and has posted the code on his blog.
Guide to soldering – useful for #RaspberryPi owners who tinker!
Using the #RaspberryPi Pi-Lite LED Matrix Board
Matt Hawkins, who I met on Saturday at the Jam, has done a blog post with clear, cut-down, instructions for using the Pi-Lite from Ciseco.
New #RaspberryPi night-vision camera module imminent
The cat is out of the bag now!
The Foundation is soon to announce the availability of the Pi Noir. It’s a new version of the camera module, but with the IR filter removed thereby making it a night-vision camera. No strictly official announcement yet, but here’s the evidence:
- Maker Faire listing announcing the product
- Post from Shea Silverman in which he reveals Gordon Hollingworth talking about the camera in August.
- Thread on the Foundation forum discussing this announcement and confirmation from camera software writer JamesH.
- Listing on Farnell/Element 14 showing the product and it’s price £16.56 (which might not include VAT and certainly doesn’t include delivery). You’ll notice that the technical data sheet is the instructions for the standard camera.
This is great news for those who want to do things with the camera at night, including astronomical photography.
So, no more breaking the camera apart to remove that filter – thank goodness!