New Raspbian release includes Java and NOOBS v1.3 #raspberrypi

A much-improved and much-enlarged version of Raspbian is now the standard install for download from the Foundation’s site. The new release contains:

This last item adds masses to the distribution and so the install now requires a 4GB SD card. Hopefully not too many people will have 2GB cards that are rendered useless…

Plus! NOOBS 1.3 is now out of beta and includes the following:

  • Ability to install multiple OSes on a single card (presumably a big whopper of a card!)
  • Support for network installation of OSes from the Foundation’s repository
  • Multiple flavours of Raspbian including one which boots directly into Scratch.
  • Improved integration of language, keyboard and display settings between NOOBS and guest operating systems.

The distros are available to download, as usual, from the Foundation website.

New Raspbian release, and NOOBS v1.3 goes gold | Raspberry Pi.

New wooden cases for your #RaspberryPi at @ThePiHut

Wooden Raspberry Pi Case - The Pi Hut | The Pi Hut | Raspberry Pi Accessories

Myself and Tim were given a wooden Pi case at the recent Cambridge Raspberry Jam. I’m pleased to say that they are now available on the Pi Hut website.

These are really beautiful – they’re made from Maplewood and beat the pants off the laser-cut cases out there. They are solid, provide amazing protection and fit perfectly – no rattling here. At £20, they are a little pricey at first glance, but you’re really paying for quality workmanship. They’re more like a piece of furniture and are ideal for when you want to have a permanently installed Pi. There’s even a slot for a GPIO cable.

Thoroughly recommended.

For a limited time, you can also buy the custom CamJam ones for a couple of pounds less! I believe there are only a few left though!

Read more about the case on their online shop

Community mashup time! #RaspberryPi Minecraft, Ordnance Survey and Rastrack come together

: Minecraft Ordnance Survey Map & Rastrack

Following a suggestion from and Twitter conversation with David Whale (@whaleygeek), Martin O’Hanlon (Minecraft Pi guru) has mashed together some recently released Ordnance Survey data, the map-of-Pis data from Rastrack and some Minecraft know-how. He’s created a map of the UK with every Pi from Rastrack floating in the air above it’s location.

You can visit the World, hosted by Martin, but I’ll let his blog post speak for itself in terms of connection.

Let’s face it, this is just a million times of awesome.

Read all about it here

Self-balancing #RaspberryPi robot uses camera module and openCV to do object tracking and following

Fantastic video (though sadly no guide to recreating) from YouTube user 74Samy.

He used Pierre’s tutorials about using OpenCV and the Pi camera. The robot uses the following parts:

  • Carbon fiber chassis
  • 2000 mAh 11.1V LiPo battery
  • PIC24 microcontroller
  • Murata ENC-03 gyro
  • MMA7361L accelerometer
  • NEMA17 step motors
  • RC 1/8 Buggy wheels