Dave Hughes has been working on a Python package that will enable you to natively communicate with the camera module. I’ve not tried this out, and it seems to be at a very early stage, but this is great news for camera owners.
Backup, Format & Clone your SD card
Oscar Liang has posted a short tutorial on the options for backing up, formatting and copying your SD card.
Garage door opening mechanism with a #RaspberryPi
LA-based Brent Nycum has hacked his garage remote-control opener by using a Pi, a relay board and a wifi dongle. He’s then used node.js on the server side to respond to requests.
Stream Video from the #RaspberryPi camera to a web browsers
Miguel Grinberg has written a couple of tutorials that use mjpg-streamer to stream images from the camera module. Apparently this works across all browsers including iOS and Android.
Here is the initial post and here is a more detailed post on compiling mjpeg-streamer.
I haven’t tried this myself – perhaps you could add a comment to this post just to confirm it works! I’m going to be going back to my camera fairly soon so will try it out.
Great deals on #RaspberryPi Model A and Camera Module
As announced on the Foundation blog, there are some terrific Pi deals out at the moment. Their post lists the prices in dollars (though confusingly doesn’t include links for US/Overseas customers), but here are the details if you’re in the UK.
- From Element 14: a Raspberry Pi Model A and a camera module for £31.37 (delivered, including VAT).
- From RS Components: a Raspberry Pi Model A and a camera module for £31.79 (delivered, including VAT)
- From RS Components: a Raspberry Pi Model A, a camera module and a 4GB SD card for £37.19 (delivered, including VAT)
Light up your room with a PiGlow and a #RaspberryPi
Phil Howard (Gadgetoid) has written some code that presents a colour wheel on any device to control a Pi fitted with a PiGlow. He’s housed the whole thing in an IKEA lamp hood. His code is available on his blog at the bottom of the post!