Is the #RaspberryPi an innovation in computer training, or just another toy?

This is a fascinating post from David Glance over at As usual, the educational appeal of the Pi is called into question but the fascinating comments at the bottom of the page make reading it very worthwhile!

Read it here

My own personal opinion is that it is both. It’s an innovation in that it’s cheap, cheerful and is, in geeky terms, very cool. It’s exactly the type of thing for children to get enthused about. They’re so used to seeing computing devices with covers on – from their PC to their tablet to their phone – that seeing a pure circuit board in front of them opens their eyes to what goes on inside the other devices. As I’ve said in the past: it gives them the opportunity to move from knowing how to use an iPad to knowing how an iPad works. The Pi is also, of course, a fantastic gadget suitable for adults as well, especially those of us from the BBC Micro generation.

We (as a species) are ready for a re-introduction to the innards of technology and to taking it forward for the new and next generations. The Pi is a part of that and, I hope, a very big part.