I was up at an ungodly hour this morning when I noticed a tweet from Unexpected Maker showing a screengrab of a mailing received from Element 14/Avnet which showed some details of the brand new Raspberry Pi 5. Despite promising…
Raspberry Pi has today launched the Raspberry Pi Pico W (see the official announcement here). This uses the same RP2040 chip as the regular Pico but has wi-fi built into it! This is going to get eaten up by the…
Fans of the Raspberry Pi Zero can today get excited about a new Raspberry Pi product – the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. TL;DR – it’s got the Pi 3B processor, 512MB of RAM and is a lot speedier than the…
As highlighted by Les Pounder on Twitter and again by ‘tannewt’ (Scott Shawcroft) on the Raspberry Pi Forums, Adafruit’s CircuitPython will run on the Raspberry Pi Pico and, more generally, RP2040 boards, such as Adafruit’s upcoming Feather 2040. According to…
Today, Raspberry Pi has announced the launch of their new board – and what a surprise it is! It is their first micro-controller and is called the Raspberry Pi Pico! Raspberry Pi Pico has been built around Raspberry Pi’s own silicon,…
Raspberry Pi has just announced the launch of the Pi 400. This is, essentially, a Raspberry Pi 4 inside an official Raspberry Pi keyboard. TL;DR – it’s really nice and will certainly be a solution to “I just want to…