Alex Eames took a (cheap as chips) Wemos D1 mini (which has an onboard ESP8266 wifi chip), connected it up to an analog temperature sensor and then flashed a script to the board that would send the sensor readings to…
Category: Sensors
Light framework for reading and sending sensor data written in C++/C# for the Raspberry Pi
Achilleus from Samnium has contacted me about an application he’s written for the Raspberry Pi 3. It is a light framework for reading data from multiple sensors and sending them over the network. It’s called IoTWork.Reader and was developed in…
Plant monitoring kit from SwitchDoc Labs uses a Raspberry Pi to look after your growing environment
Robotic Raspberry Pi-driven bomb squad for developing countries
Australia launches first ISS payload and with it a Raspberry Pi
Just picked up on this in NASA’s ISS update report for 19th December. Australia has just launched their first payload to the International Space Station. Onboard is a project called CubeRider, which appears to be a Raspberry Pi Model A+…
Great collection of Raspberry Pi project resources from Les Pounder
An oscilloscope and function generator created using a Raspberry Pi and a PIC32
Advitya Khanna, Jeff Witz and Danna Ma teamed up for their final year project on a Cornell University course, Designing with Microcontrollers. They have created a combination digital oscilloscope and function generator that runs an interface on a Raspberry Pi and…
Pimoroni announces new HAT for the Raspberry Pi that uses a new Android OS!
PocketLab campaign to fund two sensor-packed devices that can communicate with the Raspberry Pi
Clifton Roozeboom has been in touch. He and the team at PocketLab are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund PocketLab Voyager and PocketLab Weather. They are small devices that are packed with sensors and communicate with a host device over Bluetooth.…
Last few days for the Maketronix Alarm – build your own Raspberry Pi-powered alarm system
Zach and Jake are into the last few days of their IndieGoGo campaign for the Maketronix Alarm. It is a simple add-on board for the Raspberry Pi and houses 9 buttons, an LED, a buzzer and a header for a PIR movement sensor,…