Mark Williams from Ozzmaker has just launched a Kickstarter for the BerryIMU which is an I2C sensor board which contains an accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope. Now, obviously you can get those sensors separately but rarely have I seen a package this small…
Category: Sensors
Create an Internet of Things device using Java on the Raspberry Pi
Jose Cruz from Oracle has written a wiring and programming tutorial to read a flame sensor, movement sensor (PIR) and an ultrasonic distance sensor using Java ME 8. Read the tutorial here.
Brew your coffee the renewable way with a Raspberry Pi
A group of University of Lancaster researchers have used a Raspberry Pi to only allow a kettle to be boiled when the University’s wind turbine is producing power. Dr. Will Simm, Dr. Peter Newman, Dr. Maria Angela Ferrario and Dr. Stephen…
Home monitoring with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Eric Tsai has put together a combination of wireless, sensor-packed Arduinos with a Pi and come up with a quite neat home monitoring solution. He’s written it all up as an Instructable which you can view here. He’s called in…
Real-time aircraft tracking with a Raspberry Pi
Pat Whens has posted a tutorial in which you can track aircraft in real-time from your Raspberry Pi using a $10 Software Defined Radio (SDR) dongle. It also uses’s API. You can read more about how to do it…
Push notifications to your phone with a Raspberry Pi
Mike Haldas has written a great tutorial which uses free (well, it’s ‘free to get started’, not sure if it’s continually free) online service Instapush to send push notifications to an Android/iOS app on your mobile phone. His example application (for…
Weather station controlled by a Raspberry Pi
Year 12 students Liam and Nico from Howick College, New Zealand, have created a Raspberry Pi-controlled weather station.The Weather Station can log readings from 1 minute upwards. It logs temperature, pressure, humidity, rainfall and wind speed.The logged file and the…
Raspberry Pi irrigation controller
Jennifer Fox has constructed an irrigation controller using a Pi, a relay and a solenoid irrigation valve (amongst other bits and pieces). She’s posted the whole thing up on Instructables as a tutorial and also covered creating a capacitive soil…
Raspberry Pi controlled syringe pump
In both science and medicine, there is a requirement for dispensing drugs and other liquids in controlled measurements, or doses. This requirement is usually satisfied by a syringe pump. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has blogged about a Raspberry Pi-powered pump…