Jean Perardel has taken several Arduino Fio boards, 6-Degrees-of-Free sensors and a Wii Nunchuck and attached them to his body to detect movement and orientation. The signals are received by an Arduino Micro and a Raspberry Pi is then used to interpret…
Category: Arduino
Humble Bundle features Raspberry Pi and Arduino e-books at knockdown prices
Make your wedding sparkle with these ESP8266 LED lamps controlled by a Raspberry Pi Zero
Revitilizing a Wurlitzer Jukebox with a Raspberry Pi
Engineer and father build a Star Trek warp core with a little Raspberry Pi help
Real (?) wizarding duels with Raspberry Pi and T.E.N.S.
Candy Dispenser powered by a Raspberry Pi and an AIY projects kit
RasPiO Inspiring – a couple of real-life demos on the Raspberry Pi and my opinion
Bright LED arrow/pointer prototyped on a Raspberry Pi and run with a Wemos ESP8266 board
Alex Eames, who was covered in a community profile yesterday, has used his RasPiO Inspiring system of bright LEDs in geometric shapes to create an illuminated pointing sign. He’s blogged about the mini-project, which involved some foam board, some…