Alex Eames took a (cheap as chips) Wemos D1 mini (which has an onboard ESP8266 wifi chip), connected it up to an analog temperature sensor and then flashed a script to the board that would send the sensor readings to…
Category: Tutorials
Wizarding World / Internet of Things clock using a Raspberry Pi
Pat Peters from Omaha, Nebraska has taken inspiration from the Wizarding World’s famous Weasley Clock and built his own Internet of Things clock, using a Raspberry Pi (a B+ in this case). Tracking the locations of both himself and his wife,…
Windows IoT uses cognitive API to identify callers and then opens a door with a Raspberry Pi
Masato Sudo, a software engineer in the Microsoft Windows IoT team has developed a system which recognises a person approaching a door and then unlocks (or doesn’t) accordingly. A standard USB camera captures the image, the Pi takes the image…
Make a stringed instrument with the Raspberry Pi
Instructables user TakTik02 has developed a musical instrument using the Raspberry Pi, some electric cords, a winder and some polystyrene. Together with some other small components, he’s used an MCP3008 to convert the analog signal for the Pi. Take a…
Live streaming to YouTube from your Raspberry Pi
Christian Cawley over at has done a great tutorial on using avconv together with a Raspberry Pi camera module to stream to YouTube. Take a look here.
Great collection of Raspberry Pi project resources from Les Pounder
Build an Amazon Alexa-controlled Raspberry Pi robot
The guys over at Dexter Industries have put together a GoPiGo kit and then loaded onto it several pieces of software that allow you to issue voice commands to your robot. It’s a little laggy, due to the amount of inter-connection…
Making a Raspberry Pi motion tracking nerf gun turret
The guys over at YouTube channel Hacker House have used a Raspberry Pi as the brains behind a motion tracking, nerf gun turret. They’ve published a video which shows you how to build the turret and install the software. There…
Using an old television to create a Raspberry Pi fireplace
Jaret Burkett from Texas has taken an old television and placed it behind a fire grate. He’s then hooked up a Raspberry Pi to the TV, downloaded a fireplace video from YouTube and then looped it on the Pi. The…
The Internet of Things just got stranger with this Raspberry Pi alphabet lighting system
Seb Lee-Delisle is a digital artist who decided to bring some Internet of Things magic to his Christmas decorations. He’s taken a Raspberry Pi and some addressable fairy lights and rigged up an alphabet display on his wall (see below for…