Giles Booth previously started to construct a circuit and write code that would display a traffic lights sequence on LEDs connected to his Pi using GPIO Zero. This time, he has added a momentary tactile switch to the circuit so that…
Category: Making
Simple GPIO project using the Raspberry Pi and GPIO Zero
Giles Booth wanted to get started with physical computing using the Pi. Luckily, Ben Nuttall had just announced GPIO Zero, the new GPIO library from the Foundation. So, Giles got hold of some simple electronic components and wrote a traffic…
GPIO Zero test drive – throwing light onto the new library for the Raspberry Pi
Alex Eames from RasPi.TV has been putting GPIO Zero through it’s paces by creating an automatic security light which senses a) when it’s dark and b) when movement is detected and then triggers a light to come on. He’s used a…
CamJam EduKit 3 for the Raspberry Pi launches soon!
Big stuff happened yesterday and I haven’t got around to blogging it until now. Myself, Tim Richardson and Jamie Mann (from The Pi Hut) have been working for months (Months, I tell you! Months!) to create the new CamJam EduKit. This one…
Wearable guerilla video projection device made out of a Raspberry Pi
Artist R▲has created the VIDEOBLAST_R which is a wrist-mounted device which allows the wearer to project pre-prepared artistic imagery on any surface. Animation is triggered by a Wii nunchuck controller and the whole thing is mounted on a rollerblade armguard. An…
Decryption machine reproduction with a Raspberry Pi (Turing-Welchman)
The Turing-Welchman Bombe was a decryption machine used in World War II to decipher Enigma-encoded German messages. There is a real one running at Bletchley Park: New Zealander Simon Jensen visited Bletchley and decided that he wanted to build a replica…
Raspberry Pi photo booth using a thermal printer
Frederick Vandenbosch decided he wanted to make a photo booth. So, he took a thermal printer and connected it up to a Raspberry Pi. Then he added the 7″ Raspberry Pi touch screen as a control interface and built a wooden surround for…
Raspberry Pi video player for children
Here’s a nice little project. Craig Hissett has taken a Raspberry Pi, a touchscreen, some batteries and some nice BIG buttons and created a video player for children. It all sits in a laser-cut wooden enclosure. Nice job, Craig. Take…
Track aircraft near you with PiAware on the Raspberry Pi
Martin O’Hanlon wanted to track aircraft near him. So, he installed PiAware on his Raspberry Pi and then wrote some simple Python to detect when an aircraft was nearby and then light up an LED. It’s a simple project, but it’s a…
Gorgeous Game Boy clone made using a Raspberry Pi 2
Cristov wanted an authentic 80s gameplay experience and so set about creating a Game Boy clone. He used a Raspberry Pi, three custom circuit boards, a 3.5″ TFT screen and actual Game Boy parts for the controls. You can see…