Richard Hayler and his Code Club are currently experimenting with the AstroPi board and were fascinated by the way you can display scrolling text and images on the 8×8 matrix display. Richard has created a little Python/Pygame app that will allow you…
Category: Software
PiConfig – the network configuration tool for the Raspberry Pi
A little while ago, Mihaly Krich ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund the PiConfig. It’s a little USB dongle that can be used to set-up the Raspberry Pi’s network settings from Windows or Mac. After you’ve set it up, you simply…
FUZE BASIC v3 released for free for the Raspberry Pi
UK-based FUZE have released their version of BASIC as a free download. This version has numerous improvements to previous versions and includes support for images and sprites. BASIC may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is still a valid first…
Interactive Astro Pi model with Minecraft on the Raspberry Pi
Martin O’Hanlon is, basically, a Jedi when it comes to Minecraft Pi. He has now combined his work on the Astro Pi with a model of that same board within the Minecraft world. You can do everything with the model, from…
Run Java EE apps on the Raspberry Pi with Payara Micro
Payara Micro is a fantastic little Java server that requires no installation to get it running. All you need is Java installed on your Pi (which is default on Raspbian) and a simple command and you’re up and running. It’s…
Motion detection with a web interface on the Raspberry Pi
Karl Herrick has taken a PIR sensor and hooked it up to his Pi. He’s then used a variety of different software including the Cylon.js framework and Node.js to do the detection and provide a web interface for the sensor. It’s an interesting…
Distributed file storage with a Ceph cluster on Raspberry Pi
Ceph is a software package that allows you to create a cluster of machines that act as a file store. Using Vess Bakalov’s work on CephPi, Bryn Apperson has written a tutorial that helps you get a Ceph cluster up…
Camera beacon with solar panels and a Raspberry Pi
Instructables user hackbp has written a tutorial which shows you how to transmit an image over radio waves. He uses a method known as SSTV Martin 2 to convert an image into ‘lines’ which are then sent in binary form over…
Stream video from the Raspberry Pi camera module to a web page with Node.JS
In a previous post, I told you the steps to stream from the Pi to a VNC player on your phone or browser. That method no longer works for Chrome because Google have decided that the VNC plugin isn’t secure enough. Justin…
GUI for controlling NeoPixels on the Raspberry Pi
Stewart Watkiss, over at has written some code in Python using the Tkinter library that produces a GUI for controlling NeoPixels with the MyPiFi NeoPixel controller board. The GUI has nice big buttons (so it’s good for touchscreen set-ups) and…