Cat Lamin previously reviewed her initial use of CamJam EduKit 3 with her friend Louise. Well, now the ladies have had another hack session and progressed to using the sensors included in the kit. She recounts their escapades here.
Category: Reviews
Wombat prototyping board for the Raspberry Pi – review
Francesco Vannini has got hold of a Wombat prototyping board which is a huge (by Pi standards) breakout and breadboard prototyping board made by Australian company Gooligum. He’s given it the once-over and has done a nice round-up of all its…
Review of CamJam EduKit 3 Robotics by Cat Lamin
Cat Lamin is a primary school teacher (and Raspberry Pi Certified Educator) and has recently got hold of CamJam EduKit 3 Robotics. The kit is a collection of electronic components that will help you get started with robotics using the Raspberry Pi and…
Comparative speed test and review of the Raspberry Pi 3
Christopher Barnatt of ExplainingComputers has published a video in which he reviews the Raspberry Pi 3 and then compares it side-by-side against a Raspberry Pi 2. He boots both machines, opens LibreOffice Writer and also runs a complex filter using GIMP.…
Official Raspberry Pi Touchscreen – case options
By now, everyone knows about the Official Raspberry Pi 7″ touchscreen. Not everyone, however, knows about the various case options that are available. So, I thought (seeing as I bought a new one the other day) that I would take you through…
Egham Raspberry Jam write-up from Average Man
Richard Saville attended the 10th Egham Raspberry Jam and has done a great write-up of his experience there. This is well worth reading if you’ve never attended a Jam. The Egham event is very show-and-tell-y with projects being shared and chat…
Review of the Raspberry Pi Zero by Mikronauts
Mikronauts have written an extremely detailed, very balanced review of the Raspberry Pi Zero. Well worth a read if you’re dithering about whether to get one or not. Read it here.
Raspberry Pi with Java – book review
Robert Savage, over on his Home Automation blog, has written an in-depth review of the book “Raspberry Pi with Java: Programming the Internet of Things”. Sounds like a pretty good book and he goes through it chapter-by-chapter. Read the review…
Review of Percheron Electronics E-paper HAT
Neil Matthews of Percheron Electronics, a long-time CamJammer, recently ran a Kickstarter to launch his first product: an E-paper HAT. He was kind enough to send me one for review and, now that Pi Wars is out of the way,…
More Raspberry Pi Zero coverage from Pi bloggers
As usual with a new product launch, certain bloggers get early access to be able to publish their opinions and technical information. Matt Timmons-Brown is one of these. He has done a walk-round and put the Zero through it’s paces in…