On Wednesday, The Pi Hut launched two new products, which I covered here. The first of these, the MotoZero, is a new Zero-form-factor motor controller board that fits on top of any 40-pin Raspberry Pi. I’ve now had a chance…
Category: Reviews
Pimoroni’s Drum HAT for the Raspberry Pi reviewed by The MagPi
Taken from a fairly recent issue of Raspberry Pi magazine The MagPi, here is a review of the Drum HAT from the wizarding pirates of the North, Pimoroni. The overall opinion is 4/5 and the board receives a great reaction…
Official Raspberry Pi touchscreen case reviews by the Average Man
A little while back, in March, I did a round-up of the various case options available for the official Raspberry Pi touchscreen. It wasn’t quite a comprehensive list, but now along has come Richard (Average Man) Saville with his round-up of the options.…
Two motor controller boards for the Raspberry Pi from 4tronix – review
This weekend has given me time to work my way through my ‘review pile’. I’m almost to the bottom of the pile now – just one book to go. In the meantime, however, I tried out two motor controller boards…
Raspberry Pi UPS HAT from S.USV – review
I was sent one of these HATs to get some feedback and a review. I’m free to say what I like. Introduction Today, I’m reviewing the S.USV HAT from German company S.Seprotronic GmbH. The HAT comes in two flavours – Basic…
Comparison of the Raspberry Pi camera modules
As you probably know, two new camera modules have just been released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Alex Eames has carried out a comparison of the old versions and the new versions and has written up his (surprising) findings. Take…
New add-on board brings wifi and Bluetooth to the Raspberry Pi Zero
RedBear (who previously ran a Kickstarter for a wifi-enabled Arduino-type board) have just launched their latest crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. This time, it is for an IoT add-on board for the Raspberry Pi that adds 802.11n wifi and Bluetooth 4.1…
Peterborough Raspberry Jam – 9th April – a review
On a fresh (read: a bit chilly) Saturday morning, I drove up the A1 to Peterborough to attend the Peterborough Raspberry Jam, organised by Hannah Mills & Mike Mills (no relation!). It had been a while since I attended a…
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Zero (Richard Grimmett) – Review
David Whale lent me a copy of this book for review. Thanks David! The author Richard Grimmett is an Idaho-based electrical engineer who has worked in the radar and telecommunications industry and now teaches computer science and electrical engineering. One of his…
Review of iClever 6-port desktop USB charging station – excellent for Raspberry Pi
I was contacted by Gabriel from HisGadget at the start of February to see if I would be interested in reviewing one of their 6-port USB charging stations. They subsequently sent me one, but I’m free to say what I like…