Alex Eames, over at RasPi.TV has had a chance to play with the Papirus Zero from Pi Supply. It is a small e-ink display with two sizes of screen and very low power consumption. He gives a broadly positive review, going…
Category: Reviews
The MagPi reviews the 4tronix Raspberry Pi Zero Motor Shim board
The MagPi has posted their review of the 4tronix Zero Motor Shim board from issue 47. The largely positive review shows just how flexible the board is, especially considering it only takes up 6 GPIO pins. You can read the…
The MagPi reviews the RasPiO ProHAT for the Raspberry Pi
In the MagPi issue 47, Phil King wrote a review of the RasPiO ProHAT. This clever prototyping HAT breaks out all the GPIO pins in numerical (BCM) order to female headers as well as adding several power and ground ports.…
GPIO Zero reference ruler for the Raspberry Pi – new Kickstarter
Alex Eames, of RasPiO and RasPi.TV fame has just launched his latest Kickstarter. This one is for a rather nice 30cm/12″ ruler filled with GPIO Zero reference code, as pictured above. Alex previously did an RPi.GPIO reference ruler that was half…
Bunch of Raspberry Pi-related reviews over at RasPi.TV
Alex Eames has dug through his review pile and come up with 7 items (!) to look at. The items are as follows: PaPirus Zero from Pi Supply (£24) Displayotron Hat from Pimoroni (£22) Wombat board from Gooligum ($40 USD)…
Review of the RoboHAT for the Raspberry Pi by MagPi magazine
The MagPi has published its review of the 4tronix RoboHAT online. The amazingly positive review of this great HAT previously appeared in the print version and you can read it here. I reviewed the RoboHAT a couple of months ago and you…
Electronics for Kids – book review
Wiley sent me this book as well as Adventures in Coding. I’m free to give an honest opinion. Introduction Electronics for Kids is a rather nice full-colour publication by Cathleen Shamieh. It seeks to give kids (or beginner adults) an…
Adventures in Coding – book review
Another interesting release from Wiley. I’ve been sent this and another book to review, but I’m free to give an honest opinion. Introduction Adventures in Coding by Eva Holland and Chris Minnick is another in the series of “Adventures” books…
PaPiRus Zero for the Raspberry Pi – video walk-round
Francesco Vannini over at Garage Tech recently got hold of a PaPiRus Zero. It’s the latest add-on board for Pi Supply and, like the original PaPiRus, it is an e-ink display. Francesco has done a video walk-around of the new board…
Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi – book review
David Whale sent me a couple of books to look at recently. The first, Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Zero, I reviewed a few weeks ago. I now come onto the second one: Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi by Dan Nixon.…