Rob Boyle sent me a Pi & Bash to have a play with, so I thought I’d write up my experience into a sort-of review. Introduction The Pi & Bash is an add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It comes…
Category: Reviews
Review of the Year 2014
To celebrate the coming of the New Year, I decided to look back over the last twelve months and see what’s happened in the world of Raspberry Pi. You can find my Review of the Year on this page. (I’ve…
Review of the Pi and Bash add-on board for the Raspberry Pi
Average Man (Richard Saville) has just posted up a review of the Pi and Bash add-on board. He very much likes the board and has given it a very balanced review. Read the review here. You can buy a Pi…
Christmas Tree kit for the Raspberry Pi
Tom Stratford backed Andrew Gale’s recent Kickstarter for a GPIO Christmas Tree. He’s now got it and he’s posted up a short build review over on his blog. Read it here. If you’d like to get hold of your own…
FLIRC – a new case for the Raspberry Pi
The Pi Hut and FLIRC have just launched a new case for the Raspberry Pi Model B+. I was lucky enough to be given one to review, so here’s my take on this latest entry to the market. The FLIRC…
Review of the Gert 666 VGA adapter for the Raspberry Pi
Pi Supply are currently taking pre-orders for the VGA adapter board that they launched using a Kickstarter campaign. Alex Eames from RasPi.TV has got hold of an early one to have a play with and has blogged a quick video review…
Raspberry Pi Model A+ case options
Photo credit: Alex Eames, RasPi.TV Alex Eames has done a round-up video of the case options available to you if you own a Raspberry Model A+. It’s quite a short video but it does showcase both the cases you can…
Lumsing 10400mAh portable power bank review
There are many power banks out there. Some have more power in them than others, some look better than others and some perform better than others. So, it was with great trepidation that I agreed to review the Lumsing 10400mAh…
The Raspberry Pi Family – a virtual museum-in-the-making
Alex Eames from RasPi.TV has collected together all the variants of Raspberry Pi he owns and done a nifty review of the differences and features of each. Take a look here. I’m amazed to say I’ve got the only one…
Etekcity USB 3.0 10-port hub review
I was sent one of these hubs by the manufacturer, Etekcity. What do you get? It is a 10-port USB 3.0 hub with an extra USB port that runs at 2.1A. The main part of the hub, on top, features…